Common API for Users

This package contains the common API for users of the AstroData system. It provides a single interface to the data, regardless of the format in which it is stored.

If you would like a more extensive description of the astrodata package as a user, see the User Guide. If you are interested in developing with AstroData, see the Developer Guide.

astrodata Package

Entry point for the astrodata package.

This package adds an abstraction layer to astronomical data by parsing the information contained in the headers as attributes. To do so, one must subclass astrodata.AstroData and add parse methods accordingly to the TagSet received.

For more information, you can build the documentation locally by running

nox -s docs

and opening the file _build/html/index.html in a browser. Alternatively, you can check the online documentation at the |astrodata| pages site.



Add a FITS header to a table's metadata.


Mark a class method as an AstroData descriptor.


Mark a method as a tag-producing method.

from_file(*args, **kwargs)

Return an AstroData object from a file.

create(*args, **kwargs)

Return an AstroData object from data.


Ensure a function returns a list.


Return the version of astrodata.

open(*args, **kwargs)

Return an AstroData object from a file.


AstroData([nddata, tables, phu, indices, ...])

Base class for the AstroData software package.


Exception raised when there is a problem with the AstroData class.


Mixin with AstroData-like behavior for NDData-like classes.

NDAstroData(data[, uncertainty, mask, wcs, ...])

Primary data class for AstroData objects.

Section(*args, **kwargs)

A class to handle n-dimensional sections.

TagSet([add, remove, blocked_by, blocks, ...])

A named tuple of sets of tag strings.