
This guide is meant to familiarize you with the most important concepts of astrodata, specifically as someone using astrodata to work with your own data.

If you are a user getting started with astrodata, you will likely want to start with the User Guide. If you want a more detailed overview of the library, you can start with the Developer Guide, which covers the majority of topics discussed here in more detail.


The easiest way to install astrodata is to use pip:

pip install astrodata

This will install the latest stable release of astrodata, as well as all of its standard dependencies (i.e., not the development dependencies: see Advanced Usage).

Example Files

As astrodata is part of the DRAGONS software system, there are some helper functions to download example data for testing purposes. You can download files using download_from_archive():

from astrodata.testing import download_from_archive

# Files we'll use in this example.
files = [
files = [f + '.fits' for f in files]

# Download the files. We'll be placing these in a directory called 'data'.
for f in files:
    download_from_archive(f, path='quickstart_data', sub_path='')

These files are from the DRAGONS GMOS tutorial, but we’ll pretend we don’t have that and want to work with them using astrodata alone. They will be stored in the ./quickstart_data/ directory relative to your current working directory.

Opening Files

The primary way to interact with astrodata is through the from_file() function. This function will open a file and create an AstroData object from it. You can then use this object to access the data and metadata in the file.

Let’s just open one of the files without any other setup and see what happens:

import astrodata

ad = astrodata.from_file('quickstart_data/N20170614S0201.fits')


This will print out a summary of the contents of the file. In this case, it will look something like this:

Filename: quickstart_data/N20170614S0201.fits

Pixels Extensions
Index  Content                  Type              Dimensions     Format
[ 0]   science                  NDAstroData       (2112, 288)    uint16
[ 1]   science                  NDAstroData       (2112, 288)    uint16
[ 2]   science                  NDAstroData       (2112, 288)    uint16
[ 3]   science                  NDAstroData       (2112, 288)    uint16
[ 4]   science                  NDAstroData       (2112, 288)    uint16
[ 5]   science                  NDAstroData       (2112, 288)    uint16
[ 6]   science                  NDAstroData       (2112, 288)    uint16
[ 7]   science                  NDAstroData       (2112, 288)    uint16
[ 8]   science                  NDAstroData       (2112, 288)    uint16
[ 9]   science                  NDAstroData       (2112, 288)    uint16
[10]   science                  NDAstroData       (2112, 288)    uint16
[11]   science                  NDAstroData       (2112, 288)    uint16

Digesting metadata

Viewing metadata

The astrodata library is designed to work with astronomical data, and as such it has a number of features that are specific to this kind of data. One of the most important features is digesting and storing FITS-style metadata.

When you open a file with astrodata, it will read the metadata from the file and try to determine the best AstroData subclass to use. This is registered in the AstroDataFactory class. Any class you create that inherits from AstroData can be registered with the factory, and astrodata will use it when opening files.

Let’s see what the metadata for these files looks like:

# Iterate over the FITS PHU and print the metadata.
print(f"PHU Metadata for {ad.filename}:")
for key, value in ad.phu.items():
    if not any((key, value)):

    print(f"  {key}: {value}")

which will print out the following (truncated for brevity):

PHU Metadata for N20170614S0201.fits:
COMMENT:   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT:   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H
OBJECT: starfield
OBSCLASS: science
<...more header matter...>
OBSERVAT: Gemini-North
TELESCOP: Gemini-North
EPOCH: 2000.0
EQUINOX: 2000.0
TRKEQUIN: 2000.0
SSA: J. Miller
RA: 285.00429583
DEC: 24.98093611
ELEVATIO: 84.5317708333333
AZIMUTH: -17.5980347222222
CRPA: 198.346843843749
HA: +00:07:15.50
LT: 01:57:59.2

There’s quite a bit of metadata here! Let’s make a class that gets the most important parts to us right now to make it easier to work with:

from astrodata import AstroData, factory
from astrodata import astro_data_tag, TagSet

class GMOSAstroData(AstroData):

    # _matches_data is a class attribute that tells the factory to use this
    # class for files that match the given tags.
    def _matches_data(source):
        # Your definitions here must return a boolean, with True
        # indicating that the class is appropriate for the file.
        observatory = source[0].header.get('TELESCOP', '').upper()

        return observatory in {'GEMINI-NORTH', 'GEMINI-SOUTH'}

class GMOSScienceAstroData(GMOSAstroData):

    # _matches_data is a class attribute that tells the factory to use this
    # class for files that match the given tags.
    def _matches_data(source):
        obs = source[0].header.get('OBSTYPE', '').upper()
        obstype = source[0].header.get('OBSCLASS', '').upper()

        return obs == 'OBJECT' and obstype == 'SCIENCE'

# Register the classes with the factory.

Now, when we open a file, astrodata will use the appropriate subclass based on the metadata in the file. Let’s see what happens when we open all the files we downloaded:

for f in files:
    ad = astrodata.from_file(f'quickstart_data/{f}')
    print(f"Opened {ad.filename} with class {ad.__class__}")

The result:

Opened N20170614S0201.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSScienceAstroData'>
Opened N20170614S0202.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSScienceAstroData'>
Opened N20170614S0203.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSScienceAstroData'>
Opened N20170614S0204.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSScienceAstroData'>
Opened N20170614S0205.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSScienceAstroData'>
Opened N20170613S0180.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroData'>
Opened N20170613S0181.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroData'>
Opened N20170613S0182.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroData'>
Opened N20170613S0183.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroData'>
Opened N20170613S0184.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroData'>
Opened N20170615S0534.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroData'>
Opened N20170615S0535.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroData'>
Opened N20170615S0536.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroData'>
Opened N20170615S0537.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroData'>
Opened N20170615S0538.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroData'>
Opened N20170702S0178.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroData'>
Opened N20170702S0179.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroData'>
Opened N20170702S0180.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroData'>
Opened N20170702S0181.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroData'>
Opened N20170702S0182.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroData'>
Opened bpm_20170306_gmos-n_Ham_22_full_12amp.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroData'>

The default factory (factory, above, where we registered our classes) was able to determine which files were science files and which were not, and used the appropriate class to open them.

Accessing Data

Now that we have the data open, we can access the data and metadata in the file. The data is stored in the .data attribute of the AstroData object, and the metadata is stored in the .phu attribute.

Let’s see what the data looks like for one of the files:

# Get the first science extension.
for ad in (astrodata.from_file(f'quickstart_data/{f}') for f in files):
    if isinstance(ad, GMOSScienceAstroData):

[[  0   0   0 ...   0   0   0]
 [  0   0   0 ...   0   0   0]
 [  0   0   0 ...   0   0   0]
 [361 357 358 ... 366 364 370]
 [367 366 365 ... 359 364 361]
 [375 375 375 ... 351 347 353]]
ad.data[0].shape=(2112, 288)

This is fine, but what if we’re interested in a particular quantity for our work? It’s not much more useful than a FITS file at this point, other than the fancy class we’ve created. Let’s add a method to our class that will fetch us the airmass for the data.

First, we need to remove the GMOSScienceAstroData class we created from the factory to avoid conflicts with the new class we’re planning:


Now, let’s add a method to a new class, GMOSSpectrumScienceAstroData class that will fetch the airmass for the data. We’ll subclass GMOSScienceAstroData to reuse what we’ve written above.

from astrodata import astro_data_descriptor

# Note: This is bad practice! But we're working on an example.
#       Normally, you will just add this to the old class!
#       We're only doing this to show how to add a descriptor.
#       You should *never* inherit from a class in a way that
#       overwrites the original class.
class GMOSScienceAstroData(GMOSScienceAstroData):

    def airmass(self):
        # Get the airmass from the header.
        return self.phu.get('AIRMASS')

# Register the new class with the factory.

Now, when we open a file, we can access the airmass like this:

for f in files:
    ad = astrodata.from_file(f'quickstart_data/{f}')
    if isinstance(ad, GMOSScienceAstroData):
        print(f"Opened {ad.filename} with class {ad.__class__})")
        print(f"Airmass: {ad.airmass()}")

This is a pretty trivial use case, but one can imagine it being used to simplify the process of accessing data in a more complex way. These descriptors can be acessed from subclasses, for example, and you can get all descriptors from a class using the .descriptors attribute.

for f in files:
    ad = astrodata.from_file(f'quickstart_data/{f}')
    print(f"{ad.filename} descriptors:")
    print(' + ' + ', '.join(ad.descriptors))

You’ll see that our airmass descriptor is available for the GMOSScienceAstroData class, but not for the GMOSAstroData class.


Tags are a way to categorize data in astrodata. They are meant to be used to identify the type of data in a file, and can be used to filter data when opening files.

Tags are stored in the .tags attribute of an AstroData object. You can add tags to a class by using the @astro_data_tag decorator on methods that output tags. For example, we want to tag our GMOSScienceAstroData class as 'GMOS' and 'SCIENCE':

# Let's remove the GMOSScienceAstroData class from the factory to avoid conflicts.

from astrodata import astro_data_tag, TagSet

class GMOSAstroDataTagged(GMOSAstroData):
    """A class for GMOS science data with tags.

    Note: This still has all the methods from GMOSScienceAstroData! It is a
    subset of the tags used for the GMOS instrument |AstroData| class.

    def _tag_instrument(self):
        # tags = ['GMOS', self.instrument().upper().replace('-', '_')]
        return TagSet(["GMOS"])

    def _tag_dark(self):
        if self.phu.get("OBSTYPE") == "DARK":
            return TagSet(["DARK", "CAL"], blocks=["IMAGE", "SPECT"])

    def _tag_arc(self):
        if self.phu.get("OBSTYPE") == "ARC":
            return TagSet(["ARC", "CAL"])

    def _tag_bias(self):
        if self._tag_is_bias():
            return TagSet(["BIAS", "CAL"], blocks=["IMAGE", "SPECT"])

    def _tag_flat(self):
        if self.phu.get("OBSTYPE") == "FLAT":
            if self.phu.get("GRATING") == "MIRROR":
                f1, f2 = self.phu.get("FILTER1"), self.phu.get("FILTER2")
                # This kind of filter prevents imaging to be classified as FLAT
                if any(("Hartmann" in f) for f in (f1, f2)):
                    return None
            return TagSet(["GCALFLAT", "FLAT", "CAL"])

    def _tag_twilight(self):
        if self.phu.get("OBJECT", "").upper() == "TWILIGHT":
            # Twilight flats are of OBSTYPE == OBJECT, meaning that the generic
            # FLAT tag won't be triggered. Add it explicitly.
            return TagSet(
                    "SLITILLUM" if self._tag_is_spect() else "FLAT",

    def _tag_image_or_spect(self):
        if self.phu.get('GRATING') == 'MIRROR':
            return TagSet(['IMAGE'])
            return TagSet(['SPECT'])

    def _tag_is_bias(self):
        if self.phu.get("OBSTYPE") == "BIAS":
            return True
            return False

    def _tag_is_bpm(self):
        if self.phu.get("OBSTYPE") == "BPM" or "BPMASK" in self.phu:
            return True
            return False

    def _tag_is_spect(self):
        pairs = (
            ('MASKTYP', 0),
            ('MASKNAME', 'None'),
            ('GRATING', 'MIRROR')

        matches = (self.phu.get(kw) == value for (kw, value) in pairs)
        if any(matches):
            return False
        return True


These tags were taken from the DRAGONS GMOS package, and exemplify some basic and more complex tag usage in astrodata. For example, the _tag_dark method will tag the data as 'DARK' and 'CAL' if the OBSTYPE is 'DARK'. The blocks argument is used to specify that the tags will “block” other tags from being applied to the data, in this case the 'IMAGE' and 'SPECT' tags.

Tag group



Add the tag to the global set.


Remove the tag from the global set.


Tags that, if present, will prevent the TagSet from being added.


Other TagSet s containing these tags will not be added to the global set.


This TagSet will only be added if the specified tags are present.

Let’s make new AstroData objects for our files and see what tags they have:

all_ad_data = []

for f in files:
    location = f"quickstart_data/{f}"
    ad = astrodata.from_file(location)
    print(f"Opened {ad.filename} with class {ad.__class__}")
    print(f"Tags: {ad.tags}")


The result:

Opened N20170614S0201.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'IMAGE', 'GMOS'}
Opened N20170614S0202.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'IMAGE', 'GMOS'}
Opened N20170614S0203.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'IMAGE', 'GMOS'}
Opened N20170614S0204.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'IMAGE', 'GMOS'}
Opened N20170614S0205.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'IMAGE', 'GMOS'}
Opened N20170613S0180.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'BIAS', 'CAL', 'GMOS'}
Opened N20170613S0181.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'BIAS', 'CAL', 'GMOS'}
Opened N20170613S0182.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'BIAS', 'CAL', 'GMOS'}
Opened N20170613S0183.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'BIAS', 'CAL', 'GMOS'}
Opened N20170613S0184.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'BIAS', 'CAL', 'GMOS'}
Opened N20170615S0534.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'BIAS', 'CAL', 'GMOS'}
Opened N20170615S0535.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'BIAS', 'CAL', 'GMOS'}
Opened N20170615S0536.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'BIAS', 'CAL', 'GMOS'}
Opened N20170615S0537.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'BIAS', 'CAL', 'GMOS'}
Opened N20170615S0538.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'BIAS', 'CAL', 'GMOS'}
Opened N20170702S0178.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'FLAT', 'GMOS', 'TWILIGHT', 'IMAGE', 'CAL'}
Opened N20170702S0179.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'FLAT', 'GMOS', 'TWILIGHT', 'IMAGE', 'CAL'}
Opened N20170702S0180.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'FLAT', 'GMOS', 'TWILIGHT', 'IMAGE', 'CAL'}
Opened N20170702S0181.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'FLAT', 'GMOS', 'TWILIGHT', 'IMAGE', 'CAL'}
Opened N20170702S0182.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'FLAT', 'GMOS', 'TWILIGHT', 'IMAGE', 'CAL'}
Opened bpm_20170306_gmos-n_Ham_22_full_12amp.fits with class <class '__main__.GMOSAstroDataTagged'>
Tags: {'SPECT', 'GMOS'}

Now, our data is automatically tagged with the appropriate tags when we open the files, and we can use these tags to filter data when manipulating files.

# Filter out all the bias frames.
for ad in all_ad_data:
    if 'BIAS' in ad.tags:
        print(f"{ad.filename} is a bias frame.")

There are many more features available in astrodata, but this should give you a good starting point for working with your own data.

Advanced Usage

This is a very basic introduction to astrodata, and there are many more features available. For examples of usage in practice, check out DRAGONS’s DRAGONS:gemini_instruments package.

If you plan on developing astrodata, or you’d like to use the same development environment astrodata uses, you can install astrodata with development dependencies. See the Developer Installation guide for more information.