Source code for astrodata

"""Entry point for the |astrodata| package.

This package adds an abstraction layer to astronomical data by parsing the
information contained in the headers as attributes. To do so, one must subclass
:class:`astrodata.AstroData` and add parse methods accordingly to the
:class:`~astrodata.TagSet` received.

For more information, you can build the documentation locally by running

.. code-block:: bash

    nox -s docs

and opening the file ``_build/html/index.html`` in a browser. Alternatively,
you can check the online documentation at
`the |astrodata| pages site <>`_.

import importlib.metadata

from . import testing
from .adfactory import AstroDataError, AstroDataFactory
from .core import AstroData
from .fits import add_header_to_table
from .nddata import AstroDataMixin, NDAstroData
from .utils import (

__version__ = importlib.metadata.version("astrodata")

[docs] def version(): """Return the version of astrodata.""" return __version__
__all__ = [ "AstroData", "AstroDataError", "AstroDataMixin", "NDAstroData", "Section", "TagSet", "__version__", "add_header_to_table", "astro_data_descriptor", "astro_data_tag", "from_file", "create", "returns_list", "version", "testing", # Below this are deprecated "open", ] # Make sure __all__does not have duplicates if len(__all__) != len(set(__all__)): duplicates = [x for i, x in enumerate(__all__) if x in __all__[:i]] raise ValueError(f"Duplicate entries in __all__: {', '.join(duplicates)}") factory = AstroDataFactory() # Let's make sure that there's at least one class that matches the data # (if we're dealing with a FITS file) factory.add_class(AstroData)
[docs] def from_file(*args, **kwargs): """Return an |AstroData| object from a file. Arguments --------- source: str, os.PathLike or HDUList The path to the file or the HDUList object. If a string is passed, it will be treated as a path to a file. Returns ------- AstroData An instantiated object. It will be a subclass of |AstroData|. Notes ----- For implementation details, see :py:meth:`~astrodata.AstroDataFactory.get_astro_data`. This function is a wrapper around the factory method :py:meth:`~astrodata.AstroDataFactory.get_astro_data`, and uses the default factory instance at :py:attr:`~astrodata.factory`. If you want to override the default factory, you can create a new instance of :py:class:`~astrodata.AstroDataFactory` and use its methods directly, or assign it to :py:attr:`~astrodata.factory`. Example ------- >>> from astrodata import from_file >>> ad = from_file("path/to/file.fits") Alternatively, you can use an :py:class:`` object: >>> from import fits >>> hdulist ="path/to/file.fits") >>> ad = from_file(hdulist) Which can be useful for inspecting input before creating the |AstroData| object. This will not use the normal |AstroData| lazy-loading mechanism, however. """ return factory.get_astro_data(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def create(*args, **kwargs): """Return an |AstroData| object from data. Arguments --------- phu : `fits.PrimaryHDU` or `fits.Header` or `dict` or `list` FITS primary HDU or header, or something that can be used to create a fits.Header (a dict, a list of "cards"). extensions : list of HDUs List of HDU objects. Returns ------- `astrodata.AstroData` An AstroData instance. Raises ------ ValueError If ``phu`` is not a valid object. Example ------- >>> from astrodata import create >>> ad = create(phu=fits.PrimaryHDU(), extensions=[fits.ImageHDU()]) """ return factory.create_from_scratch(*args, **kwargs)
# Without raising a warning or error.
[docs] @deprecated( "Use 'astrodata.from_file'. is deprecated, " "and will be removed in a future version. They take the " "same arguments and return the same object.", ) def open(*args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """Return an |AstroData| object from a file. .. warning:: This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use :py:func:`~astrodata.from_file` instead. """ return from_file(*args, **kwargs)