AstroData and Derivatives

The AstroData class is the main interface to the package. When opening files or creating new objects, a derivative of this class is returned, as the base AstroData class is not intended to be used directly. It provides the logic to calculate the tag set for an image, which is common to all data products. Aside from that, it lacks any kind of specialized knowledge about the different instruments that produce the FITS files. More importantly, it defines two methods (info() and load()) that read in and offer access to data in FITS files. When extending to other file types, these methods should be re-implemented. AstroData also defines several useful properties and methods for FITS files specifically, such as astrodata.AstroData.phu(), astrodata.AstroData.hdr(), and astrodata.AstroData.write(), that should also be overridden when extending to other file types.

AstroData defines a common interface. Much of it consists of implementing semantic behavior (access to components through indices, like a list; arithmetic using standard operators; etc), mostly by implementing standard Python methods:

  • Defines a common __init__() function.

  • Implements __deepcopy__.

  • Implements __iter__ to allow sequential iteration over the main set of components (e.g., FITS science HDUs).

  • Implements __getitem__ to allow data slicing (e.g., ad[2:4] returns a new AstroData instance that contains only the third and fourth main components).

  • Implements __delitem__ to allow for data removal based on index. It does not define __setitem__, though. The basic AstroData series of classes only allows to append new data blocks, not to replace them in one sweeping move.

  • Implements __add__, __sub__, __mul__, __truediv__, and their in-place equivalents, based on them.

There are a few other methods. For a detailed discussion, please refer to the Reference API.

The tags Property

Additionally, and crucial to the package, AstroData offers a tags property, that returns a resolved set of textual tags that describe the object represented by an instance (as a set of strings). This is useful for quickly determining if a certain dataset belongs to an arbitrary category.

The implementation for the tags property is just a call to AstroData._process_tags(). This function implements the actual logic behind calculating the tag set (described below). A derivative class could override this to provide a different logic, but this is not recommended unless there is a very good reason to do so.

For an example of how tags are resolved, seet Tags.

Writing an AstroData Derivative

We will step through the process of creating a new AstroData derivative.

Create a new class

The first step to creating a new AstroData derivative is to create a new class that inherits from AstroData. If the new class is intended to handle non-FITS files, it should override the info and load methods. In this case, we will create a class to handle the following ASCII file:

Wavelength (nm)  Flux (erg/cm2/s/nm)
1.0              1.0
2.0              1.5
3.0              2.0
4.0              2.5
5.0              3.0
6.0              2.5
7.0              1.0

Let’s create our class to just override the info and load methods, and return a formatted string containing the information in the header of the file when the method is called:

from astrodata import AstroData, NDAstroData

class AstroDataMyFile(AstroData):
    _wavelength: None | NDAstroData
    _flux: None | NDAstroData
    _header: list[str]

    def __init__(self, source):
        self._wavelength = None
        self._flux = None
        self._header = []

    def _matches_data(source):
        return source.lower().endswith('.txt')

    def info(self) -> str:
        def batch(iterable, n=1):
            l = len(iterable)
            for ndx in range(0, l, n):
                yield iterable[ndx:min(ndx + n, l)]

        # Just printing out information retrieved from the text file
        # header.
        return ' || '.join(
          f'{w:>10} {f:>10}'
          for w, f in batch(self._header, 2)

    def load(self, path: str):
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            # First line is the header info
            self._header = f.readline().split()

            # This should keep units with the data
            self._header = [
              (col, unit)
              for col, unit in zip(self._header[0::2], self._header[1::2])

            for line in f:
                  w, f = line.split()

We now have a class that can be used to load and store data from our ASCII file. The info method returns a formatted string containing the header information, and the load method reads in the data from the file. The _matches_data method is used to determine if the file is of the correct type. In this case, we are just checking that the file extension is .txt.

However, suppose we only want to use this class for files that contain wavelength and flux information and nothing else. In that case, we can check the header information in the _matches_data method:

def _matches_data(source):
    if isinstance(source, str):
        with open(source, 'r') as f:
            header = f.readline().split()

        header = source.readline().split()

    # Check that the header contains no extra information.
    if any(col not in ('Wavelength', 'Flux') for col, _ in header):
        return False

    # Check that the header contains both wavelength and flux information.
    return all(
      any(col == name for col, _ in header)
      for name in ('Wavelength', 'Flux')


To conserve space in this document, we will only include modified code snippets (with any necessary context) for the rest of the examples. At the end of the document there will be an executable with the “final” code. Feel free to use this code as a template.

If there were other metadata contained in the file header, such as intrument and mode information, we could use that to determine if the file is of the correct type.

Code Organization (Optional)

The code for our new class can be placed in a single file, but it is often useful to organize our code into multiple files depending on their scope and purpose.

In DRAGONS, astrodata classes for individual instruments are organized into packages. We’ll use DRAGONS’ GMOS instrument as an example (see the DRAGONS repository for the full code). It has the following structure:


Where contains the AstroDataGmos class, and contains a dictionary of filter names and their central wavelengths. The files are used to import the classes and functions that are needed by the package. For example, the gmos/ file contains the following:

__all__ = ['AstroDataGmos']

from astrodata import factory
from ..gemini import addInstrumentFilterWavelengths
from .adclass import AstroDataGmos
from .lookup import filter_wavelengths

# Use the generic GMOS name for both GMOS-N and GMOS-S
addInstrumentFilterWavelengths('GMOS', filter_wavelengths) contains information that is specific to the instrument but is not explicitly required by the AstroDataGmos class. In this case, it is a dictionary of filter names and their central wavelengths. The addInstrumentFilterWavelengths function is used to add this information to the AstroDataGemini class, which is the parent class of AstroDataGmos. This function is defined in the gemini/ file, which is imported by gmos/ The motivation here is to keep these lookup data separated from the class so changes to these data are only reflected in one and will not modify the class itself.

The tests/ directory contains unit tests for the AstroDataGmos class. Determining the nature and scale of tests is left to the developer.

Some highlights:

  • __keyword_dict[1] defines one-to-one mappings, assigning a more readable moniker for an HDU header keyword. The idea here is to prevent hard-coding the names of the keywords, in the actual code. While these are typically quite stable and not prone to change, it’s better to be safe than sorry, and this can come in useful during instrument development, which is the more likely source of instability. The actual value can be extracted by calling self._keyword_for('moniker').

  • _matches_data is a static method. It does not have any knowledge about the class itself, and it does not work on an instance of the class: it’s a member of the class just to make it easier for the AstroData registry to find it. This method is passed some object containing cues of the internal structure and contents of the data. This could be, for example, an instance of HDUList. Using these data, _matches_data must return a boolean, with True meaning “I know how to handle this data”.

    Note that True does not mean “I have full knowledge of the data”. It is acceptable for more than one class to claim compatibility. For a GMOS FITS file, the classes that will return True are: AstroData (because it is a FITS file that comply with certain minimum requirements), ~gemini_instruments.gemini.AstroDataGemini (the data contains Gemini Facility common metadata), and ~gemini_instruments.gmos.AstroDataGmos (the actual handler!).

    But this does not mean that multiple classes can be valid “final” candidates. If AstroData’s automatic class discovery finds more than one class claiming matching with the data, it will start discarding them on the basis of inheritance: any class that appears in the inheritance tree of another one is dropped, because the more specialized one is preferred. If at some point the algorithm cannot find more classes to drop, and there is more than one left in the list, an exception will occur, as AstroData will have no way to choose one over the other.

  • A number of “tag methods” have been declared. Their naming is a convention, at the end of the day (the “_tag_” prefix, and the related “_status_” one, are just hints for the programmer): each team should establish a convention that works for them. What is important here is to decorate them using ~astrodata.astro_data_tag, which earmarks the method so that it can be discovered later, and ensures that it returns an appropriate value.

    A tag method will return either a ~astrodata.TagSet instance (which can be empty), or None, which is the same as returning an empty ~astrodata.TagSet[2].

    All these methods will be executed when looking up for tags, and it’s up to the tag set construction algorithm (see Tags) to figure out the final result. In theory, one could provide just one big method, but this is feasible only when the logic behind deciding the tag set is simple. The moment that there are a few competing alternatives, with some conditions precluding other branches, one may end up with a rather complicated dozens of lines of logic. Let the algorithm do the heavy work for you: split the tags as needed to keep things simple, with an easy to understand logic.

    Also, keeping the individual (or related) tags in separate methods lets you exploit the inheritance, keeping common ones at a higher level, and redefining them as needed later on, at derived classes.

    Please, refer to ~gemini_instruments.gemini.AstroDataGemini, ~gemini_instruments.gmos.AstroDataGmos, and ~gemini_instruments.gnirs.AstroDataGnirs for examples using most of the features.

  • The method calls the astrodata.fits.read_fits function, which uses metadata in the FITS headers to determine how the data should be stored in the AstroData object. In particular, the EXTNAME and EXTVER keywords are used to assign individual FITS HDUs, using the same names (SCI, DQ, and VAR) as Gemini-IRAF for the data, mask, and variance planes. A SCI HDU must exist if there is another HDU with the same EXTVER, or else an error will occur.

    If the raw data do not conform to this format, the method can be overridden by your class, by having it call the astrodata.fits.read_fits function with an additional parameter, extname_parser, that provides a function to modify the header. This function will be called on each HDU before further processing. As an example, the SOAR Adaptive Module Imager (SAMI) instrument writes raw data as a 4-extension MEF file, with the extensions having EXTNAME values im1, im2, etc. These need to be modified to SCI, and an appropriate EXTVER keyword added` [3]. This can be done by writing a suitable read method for the AstroDataSami class:

    def read(cls, source, extname_parser=None):
        def sami_parser(hdu):
            m = re.match('im(\d)', hdu.header.get('EXTNAME', ''))
            if m:
                hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = ('SCI', 'Added by AstroData')
                hdu.header['EXTVER'] = (int(, 'Added by AstroData')
        return super().read(source, extname_parser=extname_parser)
  • Descriptors will make the bulk of the class: again, the name is arbitrary, and it should be descriptive. What may be important here is to use ~astrodata.astro_data_descriptor to decorate them. This is not required, because unlike tag methods, descriptors are meant to be called explicitly by the programmer, but they can still be marked (using this decorator) to be listed when calling the descriptors property. The decorator does not alter the descriptor input or output in any way, so it is always safe to use it, and you probably should, unless there’s a good reason against it (e.g., if a descriptor is deprecated and you don’t want it to show up in lookups).

    More detailed information can be found in Descriptors.

Register your class

Finally, you need to include your class in the AstroData Registry. This is an internal structure with a list of all the AstroData-derived classes that we want to make available for our programs. Including the classes in this registry is an important step, because a file should be opened using astrodata.from_file or astrodata.create_from_scratch, which uses the registry to identify the appropriate class (via the _matches_data methods), instead of having the user specify it explicitly.

A typical file on an instrument package (example above) will look like this:

__all__ = ['AstroDataMyInstrument']

from astrodata import factory
from .adclass import AstroDataMyInstrument


The call to factory.add_class is the one registering the class. This step needs to be done before the class can be used effectively in the AstroData system. Placing the registration step in the file is convenient, because importing the package will be enough!

Thus, a script making use of DRAGONS’ AstroData to manipulate GMOS data could start like this:

import astrodata
from gemini_instruments import gmos


ad =

The first import line is not needed, technically, because the gmos package will import it too, anyway, but we’ll probably need the astrodata package in the namespace anyway, and it’s always better to be explicit. Our typical DRAGONS scripts and modules start like this, instead:

import astrodata
import gemini_instruments

gemini_instruments imports all the packages under it, making knowledge about all Gemini instruments available for the script, which is perfect for a multi-instrument pipeline, for example. Loading all the instrument classes is not typically a burden on memory, though, so it’s easier for everyone to take the more general approach. It also makes things easier on the end user, because they won’t need to know internal details of our packages (like their naming scheme). We suggest this “cascade import” scheme for all new source trees, letting the user decide which level of detail they need.

As an additional step, the file in a package may do extra initialization. For example, for the Gemini modules, one piece of functionality that is shared across instruments is a descriptor that translates a filter’s name (say “u” or “FeII”) to its central wavelength (e.g., 0.35µm, 1.644µm). As it is a rather common function for us, it is implemented by ~gemini_instruments.gemini.AstroDataGemini. This class does not know about its daughter classes, though, meaning that it cannot know about the filters offered by their instruments. Instead, we offer a function that can be used to update the filter → wavelength mapping in gemini_instruments.gemini.lookup so that it is accessible by the ~gemini_instruments.gemini.AstroDataGemini-level descriptor. So our gmos/ looks like this:

__all__ = ['AstroDataGmos']

from astrodata import factory
from ..gemini import addInstrumentFilterWavelengths
from .adclass import AstroDataGmos
from .lookup import filter_wavelengths

# Use the generic GMOS name for both GMOS-N and GMOS-S
addInstrumentFilterWavelengths('GMOS', filter_wavelengths)

where ~gemini_instruments.gemini.addInstrumentFilterWavelengths is provided by the gemini package to perform the update in a controlled way.

We encourage package maintainers and creators to follow such explicit initialization methods, driven by the modules that add functionality themselves, as opposed to active discovery methods on the core code. This favors decoupling between modules, which is generally a good idea.
