Metadata and Headers

Metadata is a critical component of astronomical observations. These data are used to clarify and define various aspects of the observation, such as the instrument configuration, the observation conditions, and the data reduction history. The metadata is often stored in the FITS headers of the data files, and in AstroData metadata is manipulated and access in two ways: through descriptors (via astro_data_descriptor()) and directly in filetype-specific header access.


While we say that header access is filetype-specific, it’s important to note that this is not the same as saying that the headers are different for each file type. The way headers are managed is FITS-centric, and therefore implementing header access for a new type requires either updating the methods that access headers or converting the headers to use objects after loading.

For more information about developing with descriptors, see Descriptors.

Astrodata Descriptors

Descriptors provide a mapping between metadata or data and a value or set of values. They are a way to access metadata in a consistent way, regardless of other differences between metadata (such as differences in the instrument, image type, etc.). Descriptors are implemented as methods, and can be found using the astrodata.AstroData.descriptors() property.

As a user, your interactions with descriptors will depend on the specific implementation of AstroData you are using. For example, if you’re using DRAGONS:gemini_instruments (from DRAGONS), you will have access to the descriptors defined for Gemini instruments. If you’re using astrodata directly, you will have access to the descriptors defined for the generic AstroData class.

Descriptors are a way to access metadata in a consistent way, and may perform operations to arrive at a given value. Descriptors should not, in best practice, modify the state of any object; instead, they will return a new value every time they are used. Therefore, they can be more computationally expensive than direct header access, but they are far more flexible.

For example, if the user is interested to know the effective filter used for a Gemini observation, normally one needs to know which specific keyword or set of keywords to look at for that instrument. However, once the concept of “filter” is coded as a Descriptor (which happens in DRAGONS:gemini_instruments), the user only needs to call the filter_name() descriptor to retrieve the information.

This is all completely transparent to the user. One simply opens the data file and all the descriptors are ready to be used.

>>> class MyAstroData(astrodata.AstroData):
...     @astro_data_descriptor
...     def my_descriptor(self):
...         return 42

>>> ad = MyAstroData()
>>> ad.my_descriptor()

# Descriptors can be listed as a tuple through the AstroData.descriptors
# property
>>> ad.descriptors


Descriptors must be defined for a given AstroData-derived class. Descriptors are inherited like normal methods, so if a class inherits from another class that has descriptors, the new class will have those descriptors as well unless they are explicitly overridden.

Accessing Metadata

Accessing Metadata with Descriptors

Whenever possible, descriptors should be used to get information from headers. This allows for straightforward re-usability of the code as it will propogate to any datasets with an AstroData class.

Here are a few examples using Descriptors

>>> ad =

>>> #--- print a value
>>> print('The airmass is : ', ad.airmass())
The airmass is :  1.089

>>> #--- use a value to control the flow
>>> if ad.exposure_time() < 240.:
...     print('This is a short exposure.')
... else:
...     print('This is a long exposure.')
This is a short exposure.

>>> #--- multiply all extensions by their respective gain
>>> for ext, gain in zip(ad, ad.gain()):
...     ext *= gain

>>> #--- do arithmetics
>>> fwhm_pixel = 3.5
>>> fwhm_arcsec = fwhm_pixel * ad.pixel_scale()

The return value of a descriptor is determined by the developer who created the descriptor. It’s best practice to return a value of the same—or similar, e.g., an iterable—type for each type of descriptor. However, this is not always desirable between different instrument sets. For example, Gemini data and JWST data may have different ways of describing specific values that are most useful to observers on their respective telescopes. To avoid confusion, check the return value of the descriptor explicitly when you are experimenting with new data:

>>> ad = TestAstroData()
>>> ad.unknown_descriptor()
'you know what I am now!'

>>> type(ad.unknown_descriptor())
<class 'str'>

>>> ad = OtherTestAstroData()
>>> ad.unknown_descriptor()
['My', 'developer', 'decided', "it's", 'more', 'useful', 'to', 'return', 'the', 'words', 'discretely']

>>> type(ad.unknown_descriptor())
<class 'list'>

Descriptors across multiple extensions

The dataset used in this section has 4 extensions. When the descriptor value can be different for each extension, the descriptor will return a Python list.

>>> ad.airmass()
>>> ad.gain()
[2.03, 1.97, 1.96, 2.01]
>>> ad.filter_name()

Some descriptors accept arguments. For example

>>> ad.filter_name(pretty=True)

Accessing Metadata Directly

Not all header content is mapped to descriptors, nor should it be. Direct access is available for header content falling outside the scope of the descriptors.

One important thing to keep in mind is that the PHU (Primary Header Unit) and the extension headers are accessed slightly differently. The attribute phu needs to be used for the PHU, and hdr for the extension headers.


The phu and hdr attributes are not available for all AstroData classes. They are only available for classes that have been implemented to use them. The default AstroData class without modification does have minimal support for these attributes, but for other file types they will need to be implemented by a developer/the instrument team.

Here are some examples of direct header access

>>> ad =

>>> #--- Get keyword value from the PHU
>>> ad.phu['AOFOLD']

>>> #--- Get keyword value from a specific extension
>>> ad[0].hdr['CRPIX1']

>>> #--- Get keyword value from all the extensions in one call.
>>> ad.hdr['CRPIX1']
[511.862999160781, 287.862999160781, -0.137000839218696, -224.137000839219]

Whole Headers

Entire headers can be retrieved as fits Header objects

>>> ad =
>>> type(ad.phu)
<class ''>
>>> type(ad[0].hdr)
<class ''>

In interactive mode, it is possible to print the headers on the screen as follows

>>> ad.phu
SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                   16 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of data axes

>>> ad[0].hdr
XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           / IMAGE extension
BITPIX  =                   16 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes

Updating, Adding and Deleting Metadata

Header cards can be updated, added to, or deleted from the headers. The PHU and the extensions headers are again accessed in a mostly identical way with phu and hdr, respectively.

>>> ad =

Add and update a keyword, without and with comment

>>> ad.phu['NEWKEY'] = 50.
>>> ad.phu['NEWKEY'] = (30., 'Updated PHU keyword')

>>> ad[0].hdr['NEWKEY'] = 50.
>>> ad[0].hdr['NEWKEY'] = (30., 'Updated extension keyword')

Delete a keyword

>>> del ad.phu['NEWKEY']
>>> del ad[0].hdr['NEWKEY']

World Coordinate System attribute

The wcs of an extension’s nddata attribute (eg. ad[0].nddata.wcs; see Pixel Data) is stored as an instance of astropy.wcs.WCS (a standard FITS WCS object) or gwcs.WCS (a “Generalized WCS” or gWCS object). This defines a transformation between array indices and some other co-ordinate system such as “World” co-ordinates (see APE 14). GWCS allows multiple, almost arbitrary co-ordinate mappings from different calibration steps (eg. CCD mosaicking, distortion correction & wavelength calibration) to be combined in a single, reversible transformation chain — but this information cannot always be represented as a FITS standard WCS. If a gWCS object is too complex to be defined by the basic FITS keywords, it gets stored as a table extension named ‘WCS’ when the AstroData instance is saved to a file (with the same EXTVER as the corresponding ‘SCI’ array) and the FITS header keywords are updated to provide an approximation to the true WCS and an additional keyword FITS-WCS is added with the value ‘APPROXIMATE’. The representation in the table is produced using ASDF, with one line of text per row. Likewise, when the file is re-opened, the gWCS object gets recreated in wcs from the table. If the transformation defined by the gWCS object can be accurately described by standard FITS keywords, then no WCS extension is created as the gWCS object can be created from these keywords when the file is re-opened.

In future, it is intended to improve the quality of the FITS approximation using the Simple Imaging Polynomial convention (SIP) or a discrete sampling of the World co-ordinate values will be stored as part of the FITS WCS, following Greisen et al. (2006), S6 (in addition to the definitive ‘WCS’ table), allowing standard FITS readers to report accurate World co-ordinates for each pixel.

Adding Descriptors [Advanced Topic]

To learn how to add descriptors to AstroData, see the Developer Guide.