The AstroData Object

The AstroData object represents the data and metadata of a single file on disk. As of this version, AstroData has a default implementation supporting the FITS file format. If you wish to extend AstroData to support other file formats, see AstroData and Derivatives.

The internal structure of the AstroData object makes uses of astropy’s NDData, table, and Header, the latter simply because it is a convenient ordered dictionary.


Global vs Extension-specific

At the top level, the AstroData structure is divided in two types of information. In the first category, there is the information that applies to the data globally, for example the information that would be stored in a FITS Primary Header Unit, a table from a catalog that matches the RA and DEC of the field, etc. In the second category, there is the information specific to individual science pixel extensions, for example the gain of the amplifier, the data themselves, the error on those data, etc.

The composition and amount of information depends on the contents of the file itself. This information varies dramatically between observatories, so ensure that you have characterized your data well. Accessing the contents of an AstroData object is done through the info() method.

The “Pixel Extensions” contain the pixel data (in this case, something specific to our data type). Each extension is represented individually in a list (0-indexed like all Python lists). The science pixel data, its associated metadata (extension header), and any other pixel or table extensions directly associated with that science pixel data are stored in a NDAstroData object which subclasses astropy’s NDData. An AstroData extension is accessed like any list: ad[0] will return the first image. To access the science pixels, one uses ad[0].data; for the object mask of the first extension, ad[0].OBJMASK; etc.

Organization of Global Information

All the global information can be accessed as attributes of the AstroData object. The global headers, or Primary Header Unit (PHU), is stored in the phu attribute as an

Any global tables are stored in the private attribute _tables. For example, if we had a REFCAT global table as part of our data (see example GEMINI_EXAMPLE a Python dictionary with the name (eg. “REFCAT”) as the key. All tables are stored as astropy.table.Table. Access to those table is done using the key directly as if it were a normal attribute, eg. ad.REFCAT. Header information for the table, if read in from a FITS table, is stored in the meta attribute of the astropy.table.Table, eg. ad.REFCAT.meta['header']. It is for information only, it is not used.

Organization of the Extension-specific Information

The pixel data are stored in the AstroData attribute nddata as a list of NDAstroData object. The NDAstroData object is a subclass of astropy NDData and it is fully compatible with any function expecting an NDData as input. The pixel extensions are accessible through slicing, eg. ad[0] or even ad[0:2]. A slice of an AstroData object is an AstroData object, and all the global attributes are kept. For example:

>>> ad[0].info()
Filename: N20170609S0154_varAdded.fits

Pixels Extensions
Index  Content                  Type              Dimensions     Format
[ 0]   science                  NDAstroData       (2112, 256)    float32
          .variance             ndarray           (2112, 256)    float32
          .mask                 ndarray           (2112, 256)    uint16
          .OBJCAT               Table             (6, 43)        n/a
          .OBJMASK              ndarray           (2112, 256)    uint8

Other Extensions
               Type        Dimensions
.REFCAT        Table       (245, 16)

Note how REFCAT is still present.

The science data is accessed as ad[0].data, the variance as ad[0].variance, and the data quality plane as ad[0].mask. Those familiar with astropy NDData will recognize the structure “data, error, mask”, and will notice some differences. First AstroData uses the variance for the error plane, not the standard deviation. Another difference will be evident only when one looks at the content of the mask. NDData masks contain booleans, AstroData masks are uint16 bit mask that contains information about the type of bad pixels rather than just flagging them a bad or not. Since 0 is equivalent to False (good pixel), the AstroData mask is fully compatible with the NDData mask.

Header information for the extension is stored in the NDAstroData meta attribute. All table and pixel extensions directly associated with the science extension are also stored in the meta attribute.

Technically, an extension header is located in ad.nddata[0].meta['header']. However, for obviously needed convenience, the normal way to access that header is ad[0].hdr.

Tables and pixel arrays associated with a science extension are stored in ad.nddata[0].meta['other'] as a dictionary keyed on the array name, eg. OBJCAT, OBJMASK. As it is for global tables, astropy tables are used for extension tables. The extension tables and extra pixel arrays are accessed, like the global tables, by using the table name rather than the long format, for example ad[0].OBJCAT and ad[0].OBJMASK.

When reading a FITS Table, the header information is stored in the meta['header'] of the table, eg. ad[0].OBJCAT.meta['header']. That information is not used, it is simply a place to store what was read from disk.

The header of a pixel extension directly associated with the science extension should match that of the science extension. Therefore such headers are not stored in AstroData. For example, the header of ad[0].OBJMASK is the same as that of the science, ad[0].hdr.

The world coordinate system (WCS) is stored internally in the wcs attribute of the NDAstroData object. It is constructed from the header keywords when the FITS file is read from disk, or directly from the WCS extension if present (see the next chapter). If the WCS is modified (for example, by refining the pointing or attaching a more accurate wavelength calibration), the FITS header keywords are not updated and therefore they should never be used to determine the world coordinates of any pixel. These keywords are only updated when the object is written to disk as a FITS file. The WCS is retrieved as follows: ad[0].wcs.